

Small World Travel is pleased to offer curriculum materials related to travel journeys, whether one-week visits or around-the-world voyages. Our Director of Education, Dr. Stefani Hite, holds Masters and Doctoral degrees in Education from the University of Pennsylvania, and has worked as a teacher, administrator, and curriculum director for public and private schools, both in the US and abroad. She is available to provide instructional activities, assessments, and curriculum alignment to local, state, or national educational standards – depending on our client’s level of need.

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Instructional Activities

To enhance the learning experience of a journey, Dr. Hite will create instructional activities (including pre- and post-journey) that correspond to our clients’ itineraries and the ages/grade levels of the students.


Instructional Activities, Assessments, and Curriculum Alignment

If children will be missing school in order to travel, Dr. Hite can customize Tier One instructional activities to the local, state, and/or national curriculum standards as required by our clients’ learning institutions. This would include formative and summative assessments that can be used to inform students’ teachers about the education and learning accomplished during the journey.

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Ongoing Assessment and Feedback

For our ambitious travelers, whose children might miss substantial portions of the traditional school year, Dr. Hite can provide both the curriculum, activities, and standards alignment as described in Tier One and Two. In addition, she can offer periodic feedback as children follow aspects of the curriculum tied to their travel itinerary. This would include ongoing formative assessment, writing supervision, and customized activities – all leading to a final summative portfolio that could then be submitted to students’ learning institutions for academic credit.